How is Middle School Students’ Scientific Reasoning Ability Associated with Gender and Learning Environment?

  • Filiz Bezci Department of Educational Sciences, Çankırı Karatekin University, Çankırı, Turkey
  • Semra Sungur Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Middle East Technical University, Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey


This study examined middle school students’ scientific reasoning ability in relation to gender and learning environment perceptions.  The data were obtained from 269 (148 girls and 121 boys) students. A two-tier multiple-choice test was used to assess students’ scientific reasoning ability while a Likert type self-report questionnaire was used to assess students’ learning environment perceptions. Results showed that there was no significant difference between girls’ and boys’ regarding their scientific reasoning abilities. On the other hand, students’ scientific reasoning ability was found to be positively associated with involvement, task orientation and teacher support while it was negatively related to cooperation in science learning environments.   Keywords: Scientific reasoning ability, learning environment, gender, middle school students, science education