Influence of the education of nature and history of science on value perceptions of teacher candidates in conceptual dimension

  • Hilal Aktamis Department of Science Education, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
  • Emrah Higde Department of Science Education, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey


This study aimed to determine conceptual values of 28 Science teacher candidates who engaged in the education of nature and history of science. Values Scale was used to determine values of the teacher candidates in conceptual dimension. A semi-structured interview was conducted with six teacher candidates who were selected from different value levels such as low, medium and high according to the results of science teacher candidates obtained from the values scale before and after they received the lecture. According to the results obtained from the values scale, it was concluded that the teacher candidates engaged in nature of science teaching got the highest score from the theoretical value dimension and the lowest score from the religious value dimension. In conclusion, it can be suggested that nature and history of science teaching influenced on the value perceptions of teacher candidates in conceptual dimension.

Author Biographies

Hilal Aktamis, Department of Science Education, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Science Education Associate Professor
Emrah Higde, Department of Science Education, Adnan Menderes University, Turkey
Research Assistant in science education department and Phd Student


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