Gifted and Talented students' views about Biology activities in a Science and Art Center

  • Murat Özarslan Biology Teacher, Ministry of National Education, Kocaeli, Turkey
  • Gülcan Çetin Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Biology Education, Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey


The aim of the study was to determine gifted and talented students' views about biology activities in a Science and Art Center. The study was conducted with 26 gifted and talented students who studied at a Science and Art Center in southwestern Turkey. Students studied animal and plant genus and species in biology activities. Data was collected through a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and content analyses methods. The research results revealed that the students had a great interest in the animals and plants, which they could not see nor examine closely in their own daily life. Since they found the activities enjoyable, interesting, and exciting, they liked biology courses much more. The results are discussed in terms of the education of the gifted and talented students.


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